Admission Information

It’s never been easier to apply for a place at our school, simply follow the steps below.

Step 1

Go online at Synergy - Enquiry for information about primary and secondary schools in Blackburn with Darwen and how to apply online for a school place.

Step 2

Apply using the online form, or the paper form available from 10 Duke Street, Blackburn BB2 1DH .

Step 3

You will receive a written offer of a school place in March/April.

If you need any help, please contact The Admission Team, Children’s Services and Education Department, 10 Duke Street, Blackburn, BB2 1DH. Tel: (01254) 666613


For more information about our admissions arrangements, explaining how we consider applications, see our School Policies.

This includes information on:

  • The arrangements we have in place for selecting the pupils who apply.

  • Our oversubscription criteria, for when there are more applicants than places.

  • The guidelines parents need to follow when applying for their child to attend our school.