Our Core Values

About Us & Our Core Values
At Lammack Primary School, our motto is “Every Child Matters, Every Day Counts” and we believe this is an attribute to our success.
We offer high quality education for children between the ages of four and eleven in a stimulating, challenging, happy and safe environment. Our school enjoys a very good reputation in Blackburn and demand for places is high. Please see our latest Ofsted Report.
Children, parents, teachers, classroom support, welfare, administration staff, cleaners and cooks work alongside each other in a happy and dedicated team. We are very proud of our school and everyone has an important part to play in our success.
At Lammack Primary School our objectives are:
To ensure all learners make expected progress
To develop Talk for Writing in all curriculum areas
To embed the Lammack Values across the curriculum
Lammack Values
Following a whole school vote it was decided that our Values are:
At Lammack, we understand our Values fit into British Values and we concentrate on both sets of values. Follow this link for more detail.