Physical Education (PE)

At Lammack, PE is taught through whole-class sessions, which are based on the Lancashire Scheme of Work. When appropriate, a cross-curricular element is introduced (for example, dance is often taught through year group topics). However, this is not always possible due to the nature of the subject. The class teacher is primarily responsible for the teaching of PE, with teaching assistant support available, when necessary, whilst the knowledge and expertise of the subject leaders can be called upon when appropriate. Specialist teachers are brought into school to aid staff development and pupil progress across all year groups.

In school, we have a wide range of sports facilities and resources which are used both in lessons and during extra-curricular activities.

These include:

  • Two indoor halls which contain climbing frames and other small apparatus
  • An all-weather Astroturf marked out for multiple sports activities
  • Three outdoor playgrounds with markings for games and playtime activities
  • A large field suitable for playing a variety of sports including football, rugby, cricket, rounders and athletics
  • Two outdoor climbing areas and two climbing walls
  • A well-stocked PE resource room.

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