Our Curriculum


At Lammack Primary School, we aim to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn, enjoy and achieve, and this drives all aspects of teaching and learning. With this in mind, it is our intention to provide an environment in which every child is encouraged and motivated to reach their full potential, both socially and academically. The voice and needs of our learners inform a creative curriculum, which extends pupils’ strengths, interests and experiences, as well as developing their ability to learn and work independently and collaboratively.

We provide contexts that encourage imaginative and critical thinking, thus enabling pupils to attain, develop and apply their knowledge, understanding and skills. Through spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, we aim to shape responsible, honest and caring citizens, who reflect the Lammack and British values, making positive contributions to the school and the wider community.

Every moment is seen as a learning opportunity. Our aspiration is for children to leave Lammack Primary School as confident learners with a wealth of happy memories and lifelong, transferable learning skills.

Ultimately, at Lammack, ‘Every Child Matters, Every Day Counts’.


Our curriculum is topic-based enabling us to immerse the children in theme-based learning which develops their vocabulary, language and understanding. We have adapted the National Curriculum to ensure the needs of our children are met in every subject. Subject Leaders have included elements and sequenced learning in a way that we feel helps our children to know more and remember more. Our curriculum has the children’s experiences, culture and locality at its heart and teachers ensure the lessons are engaging, practical and collaborative.

If you need any more information about the curriculum at Lammack, please refer to the curriculum newsletters or ask your child’s teacher.



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

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