
Science is approached in a very practical, investigative manner. Children learn the skills of all areas of science before applying their scientific knowledge to a wide variety of practical investigations. Science is approached through a variety of areas set out in the National Curriculum; biology, chemistry and physics. All of these areas are planned to include working scientifically. 

At Lammack, we aim to provide our pupils with exciting, interactive and inclusive opportunities that encourage all children to become independent and enthusiastic learners. A main focus of science at Lammack is speaking and listening. Teachers work hard to explicitly teach the vocabulary associated with all areas of the science curriculum. Children are encouraged to ask lots of questions and plan investigations to help them find the answers to these. At Lammack, science is taught through a range of exciting cross-curricular topics or as discreet lessons. In every year group there is a focus on working scientifically through planning, carrying out and evaluating experiments.